Updated: Jul 17, 2023
Speed, reliability, security: the benefits of EDI transition are numerous.
The digital transformation of your supply chain (orders, deliveries, inventory management, invoicing, etc.) implies profound changes in working methods.
It's a necessary change to optimize profitability, and to highlight the value of your employees' work. Whether it's the decrease of need for human intervention, the disappearance of paper or the automation of numerous processes.
At Horus Consulting, a team of experts is at your service to make your EDI transition seamless and efficient.
From the assessment of your business needs, through to the implementation of planned workloads, our company also provides your staff with high-quality support.
As part of the electronic invoicing reform, all companies subject to VAT will be required to use electronic data interchange (EDI) for their invoicing from 2024, according to a graduated planning.
The general use of electronic invoicing will
- Boost competitiveness and fluidity in B2B commercial relations (lower administrative costs)
- Combat VAT fraud
- Simplify VAT reporting obligations
To fulfill their obligations, companies will be free to choose between two methods.
- a dematerialization platform partnered with the French government (PDP)
- Chorus Pro, the public-sector invoicing portal
As of :
July 1, 2024, for incoming invoices, for all taxable persons,
July 1, 2024, for large companies,
January 1, 2025 for medium-sized companies,
January 1, 2026 for small and medium-sized businesses and microenterprises.
Contact us today to discuss your EDI needs and make the transition. EDI will open up new horizons for your company.
Horus Consulting, Your tailored IT expertise